Centralized Monitoring

Security implementations and activity are monitored by technicians from our centralized control room. This advanced facility enables us to immediately inform clients of breaches that have occurred, it is also the point from which repair and maintenance teams are dispatched.



There are several advantages to Off-Site Monitoring as opposed to On-Site Monitoring.

  • Data Tampering
    If monitoring is done Off-Site, it prevents security staff from tampering with or deleting any video material or other data collected. This ensures the integrity of all information is maintained to the highest standard.
  • On Site Personnel
    On site personnel can be managed more effectively with a set of checks and balances that can not be influenced or bypassed on site.
  • Secure Backups
    Data is collected in a facility with proper backup protocols, managed by specialist staff who are skilled in data center management, a fact that is not always financially viable at individual security sites.
  • Dispatching of Repair or Maintenance Teams
    If the need arises, repair or maintenance teams can be dispatched from a central location to quickly and effectively resolve any issues that might have arisen at any individual security site.